Monday, March 16, 2009

Heard on the Hill

According to this week's Hill Times,the Tories will be holding a series of "leadership review" meetings in ridings across the country to decide if CPC incumbents will face open nominations or not. It will take 2/3 of the riding to force a nomination but, here's the kicker, the membership cut-off for this is March 10th. So, unless you've already been selling forms, you're probably out of luck.

Sorry Donna!



  • well at least they get a review Grit.
    According to the same Hill Times the Liberal Leadership thingy isn't going to be touching any policy discussion. So much for building from the ground-up dude.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:49 p.m.  

  • Anonymous: Get the facts right. They're going to be discussing policy. It's just being done secretively, and it's not going to have any predictable effect on platform.

    And I'm sure the 30% of people in Edmonton-Sherwood Park who voted for Jim Ford last time will be happy to hear that the CPC doesn't want them to be able to do to Tim Uppal what they think Tim Uppal did to them.

    By Blogger Gauntlet, at 10:52 p.m.  

  • You would have to have a very low opinion of grassroots democracy to vote for either Harper or Ignatieff.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:36 a.m.  

  • Hmmm....let's go back to the election in 2006 - Harper didn't make any policy announcements until the election was on - one each day. He won.

    No one had time to trash his policies - I think the Libs are making a smart move here. Remember what the CONS did to Dion. Lesson learned.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:09 a.m.  

  • "No one had time to trash his policies - I think the Libs are making a smart move here. Remember what the CONS did to Dion. Lesson learned."

    By Anonymous, at 1:09 AM

    Agreed! Harper et al have no ideas of their own & steal from everyone else - meaning the Libs & the U.S. Sucking up to Obama, waiting to hear what U.S. policies on the environment will be, as an example, so they can "copy".

    Don't forget, after they were elected, both times, they adopted Liberal ideas & programs as their own, re-announcing these programs as their own only re-naming them to make them sound different.

    During the last election Dion announced 5 things in relation to the economy. He was smashed/attacked badly by the Cons who then, immediately after the election, adopted all those 5 ideas - as their own, once again.

    The Lib Party is right in being quiet at this time.

    By Blogger penlan, at 5:06 a.m.  

  • "During the last election Dion announced 5 things in relation to the economy. He was smashed/attacked badly by the Cons who then, immediately after the election, adopted all those 5 ideas - as their own, once again."

    That was because Dion's plan was to have a plan. Harper didn't attack the content of Dion's plan, but rather it being packaged as a plan.

    Praising Dion is like praising Ralph in the electric chair episode of the Simpsons...

    Bart: Way to go, Ralph!
    Lisa: Ralph? But the rocket was my idea!
    Bart: But asking you was Ralph's idea!
    Homer: You're the man, Ralph!

    By Blogger french wedding cat, at 6:50 a.m.  

  • H2H - True, Dion's "plan" was fairly hollow.

    But Harper trashed him for it during the campaign, then did the exact same thing 2 days after the election was done.

    By Blogger calgarygrit, at 10:37 a.m.  

  • It can't truly have effect, I consider like this.

    By Anonymous shop tienda erotica, at 7:02 a.m.  

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