Monday, August 27, 2007

Manic Monday Links

-James Bow has a good run-down on how campaign '08 has progressed and Greg Staples has the latest poll numbers up. I'll be joining several other bloggers to live blog the results as they come in tonight so tune in for what promises to be an eventful election!

-In the Greatest Premier contest, it's Manning vs Lougheed in the West, and Levesque vs Mowat in the East. I'll be taking a few days off from the contest before resuming later this week.

-On the municipal front, Daveberta is the place to be for Edmonton news. As for Calgary, the Calgary Election 2007 blog has started up and looks to be the site to bookmark for news out of cowtown over the next seven weeks. I'll also be delving into the campaign quite a bit here since I'm working on the Go Alnoor campaign (check out the website, chalk full of You Tube goodness). Declared, or rumoured, candidates for Mayor so far include:

Dave Bronconnier
Alnoor Kassam
Sandy Jenkins
Jeremy Zhao
Oscar Fetch
Barry Eldridge
Doug "at your" Service

With massive growth pressures over the past few years, there are a lot of important issues worth talking about...however, it appears that all the media wants to discuss for the time being are yellow ribbons. I'm thinking of starting a contest where I'll give a free yellow ribbon to anyone who collects all 27 Calgary Sun front page stories on the topic (contest excluded to City of Calgary employees, for the time being).

-I spent a bit of time browsing some of the videos on the Blogging Tories site yesterday. They've got a pretty solid collection for anyone looking to kill some time.

-Adam Radwanski's vagabond blog can be seen over at the Globe these days. In his Friday post, he has a good run-down of the whole agents provocateurs fiasco.



  • Have you voted yet today? I had to decide whether to support Ralph Goodale like before, or go with the Greens. It was a tough choice, but I think Ralph will survive this election without my vote for him this time.

    By Blogger Saskboy, at 2:36 p.m.  

  • Yeah, voted Liberal as per usual. Not that it will make a difference in Calgary...

    By Blogger calgarygrit, at 8:57 p.m.  

  • You guys are nuts ;)

    By Blogger nbpolitico, at 10:48 p.m.  

  • Jeremy Zhao's website has a good list of candidates for Calgary and their websites.

    At I've started an aggregator page for all Alberta Municipal campaign sites that have either a blog or an RSS feed. The main aggregator page covers the whole province, or you can pick your city page from the menu.

    Alberta Municipal Election Aggregator

    Please email me at if you have any sites with feeds that can be added.

    By Blogger WE Speak, at 12:01 a.m.  

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